


Inspiration –noun
in·spi·ra·tion [in-spuh-rey-shuhn]-
an inspiring or animating action or influence

Our poetry website, Inspiration is about life itself. Life can mean anything to anyone. To many life can be their career, family, friends, music, love, arts, etc. You make life out of what inspires you. We try and recognize the different perspectives of life in poetic expressions, whether good or bad. Life is what you make it; so make your own choices and follow through with them. 
Our Philosophy:
We chose this theme because it is a simple yet a complex theme. Life is a simple, four letter word, with a simple definition- (the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual), but once you get a taste of life, metaphorically, things get more difficult. It gets difficult because constantly we're going through obstacles and situations that may change our whole future. We chose it because life can mean anything, metaphorically. Love, friendship, family, music etc. it can all mean life to someone.